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Lif Az Ärt

A Place for

Artistic + Written Expression

Join me on a journey to unlock your inner Wā-fer-ərŋ Ār-tī-zən through a multi-part blog. Embark on my unconventional path as a Bī-wā Va-guh-bon. Explore Fēldz Ov In-kwe-rī, where I delve deeper into current events and topics from a "first-principles" perspective. Enhance your culinary skills with Thē Nāked Spens, embracing simplicity and expanding your kitchen expertise. Wander down the Ār-tī-zənz Prë-mə-nād to discover talent, and share in the joys (or challenges) of our 1904 Worlds Fair home remodel, celebrating the "Grit and Grīm" of the journey. 




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